Noticia-nos o britânico The Guardian que, numa pesquisa realizada pela Universidade de Duke (com um grupo de cerca de mil pessoas sendo analisadas durante 12 anos), chegou-se a uma conclusão 'sugestiva': descobriu-se que, apesar de os pesquisados terem a mesma idade, isto é, a idade biológica ao fim do estudo, quando todos estavam com 38 anos, contudo, verificam-se muitas diferenças entre eles. Foram estudados 18 marcadores fisiológicos relativos ao envelhecimento, tais como pressão sanguínea, atividade dos rins, níveis de colesterol, etc. Enquanto, por um lado, uma parte do grupo tinha corpos condizentes com a sua idade real, por outro lado, outra parte era bem mais nova biologicamente, com organismos similares aos de alguém na casa dos vinte anos. Verificou-se também a existência de pessoas que, com 38 anos, tinha uma performance físcia pior do que pessoas com 50 anos. Além dos marcadores fisiológicos, foram analisados ainda outros fatores, como desempenho cognitivo. Mais informações aí abaixo, no próprio texto do Guardian.

by Ian Smaple
If the school reunion was not proof enough, scientists have confirmed
that people grow old at radically different rates, with some ageing much faster than their
fresh-faced former classmates.
A study of nearly one thousand 38-year-olds found that while most had
biological ages close to the number of birthdays they had notched up, others
were far younger or older.
Researchers used 18 physiological markers, including blood pressure,
organ function, and metabolism, to assess the biological age of each of the
participants. For some, the past dozen years had taken no obvious toll on their
body’s biology.
But others were not so fortunate. A good many participants had
biological ages in the 50s, while one, described by scientists as an “extreme
case”, had a biological age of 61 years old. That meant that for every birthday
over the past dozen years, their body had aged three years.
“The overwhelming majority are biologically in their mid-40s or younger,
but there are a handful of cases who are in pretty bad shape. In the future,
we’ll come to learn about the different lives that fast and slow ageing people
have lived,” said Daniel Belsky at Duke University in North Carolina.
The researchers drew on data gathered on 871 people enrolled in the
Dunedin study, a major investigation that has tracked the health and broader
lives of around 1000 New Zealanders born in 1972 or 1973 in the town of
Dunedin, New Zealand. Of the original group, 30 had died by the age of 38 due
to serious diseases such as cancer, or by accidents, suicides and drug
“Our goal was to see if we can measure ageing in young people,” said
Belsky. “It’s becoming increasingly clear that ageing is really the cause of
much of the disease and disability burden we face, but our existing science is
based on ageing in older people who already have a lot of age-related
According to Belsky, studying ageing in younger people gives researchers
the best chance of teasing apart the biological changes that drive ageing from
those that underpin specific diseases.
The scientists drew up a list of 18 biological markers that together
reflect a person’s biological age. They included measures of kidney and liver
function, cholesterol levels, cardiovascual fitness and the lengths of
teleomeres, which are protective caps that sit on the ends of chromosomes.
The set of markers were measured when the volunteers were aged 26, then
32, and finally at the age of 38. The researchers then looked to see how much
the markers changed over time, to produce a “pace of ageing” figure.
Across the group, the biological ages of the 38-year-olds varied from 28
to 61. If a 38-year-old had a biological age of 40, it implied a “pace of
ageing” of 1.2 years per year over the 12 year study period. Details of the
study are published inProceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences.
“Even before they develop age-related diseases, their physiology shows
signs, and there is great variation in how fast people ageed in the past 12
years,” Belsky said.
People with older biological ages fared worse on tests that are
typically given to people over 60. These included tests of balance and
coordination, but also mental tasks, such as solving unfamiliar problems. The
biologically older people also reported more difficulties with activities like
walking up the stairs.
The scientists went on to see whether volunteers’ biological ages
matched how they old they looked. They invited students to view photos of the
study participants and guess their ages. The biologically older people were
consistently rated as looking older than their 38 years.
“Already, before midlife, individuals who were ageing more rapidly were
less physically able, showed cognitive decline and brain ageing, self-reported
worse health, and looked older,” the scientists write.
The next step in the research is to sift through the lives of the
Dunedin participants to see how factors such as lifestyle, medical history,
family circumstances, and stressful events might affect the speed at which
people age.
Belsky called the study a “proof of concept” for using biological
markers to measure the ageing process in people who are too young to have
age-related diseases. An objective measure of biological age, he said, could be
used to assess whether new anti-ageing therapies work or not in a reasonable
time frame.
“What we need are measurements that can show whether these therapies are
working, so we don’t have to wait 50 years to see if someone is still alive or
not. We want a real-time barometer of how a peson is doing, and whether the
therapy is really changing their rate of ageing,” he said.
The ultimate goal is to target ageing instead of the multiple separate
diseases that people are increasingly likely to develop as they age. “As we get
older, our risk grows for all kinds of different diseases. To prevent multiple
diseases simultaneously, ageing itself has to be the target,” Belsky said
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