Publiquei o artigo aí abaixo no periódico estadunidense Political Affairs, e nele estão bases da ciência social clássica úteis ao entendimento do jogo do poder político e econômico, como o que se verifica no Brasil atualmente. Nos jogos do poder, para se compreender o que está em questão, é necessário um esforço analítico que vá além da aparência do que é divulgado pela mídia, e capte as implicações das relações entre indivíduos, sociedade e economia.
Individual and
Society: The Dialectical Conception of History

by Ivonaldo Leite
Human beings and the process of production
The premise of all human society is the existence of living human individuals.
The first fact to be established, therefore, is the physical constitution of
individuals and their consequent relation to the rest of Nature. All
historiography must begin from these natural bases and this modification in the
course of history by human activity.
According to Marx in his critique of political economy, the conception of history rests on the exposition of the real process of production. It starts from the simple material production of life and the form of intercourse, created by this mode of production, i. e., at civil society in its various stages as the basis of all history. Life involves before anything else – eating and drinking, a habitation, clothing and many other things. So, the first historical act is the production of material life itself.
According to Marx in his critique of political economy, the conception of history rests on the exposition of the real process of production. It starts from the simple material production of life and the form of intercourse, created by this mode of production, i. e., at civil society in its various stages as the basis of all history. Life involves before anything else – eating and drinking, a habitation, clothing and many other things. So, the first historical act is the production of material life itself.
Work is humanity’s basic form of self realization. We cannot live without work.
The way in which human's produce their means of subsistence depends in the
first place on the nature of existing means which they have to reproduce. It is
a definite form of activity of these individuals, a definite way of expressing
their life, a definite mode of life.
According to that perspective, history may be divided roughly into several
periods, for example, ancient civilization, feudalism and capitalism. Each of
these periods is characterized by a predominant mode of production and based
upon it a class structure consisting of a ruling and oppressed class. The
struggle between these classes, determines the social action and relation among
the human beings. In particular, the ruling class which owes its position to
the ownership and control of means of productions, controls also the whole
moral and intellectual life of the people.
As the materialist dialectic affirms, people enter into definite relations that
are independent of their will. In other words, we can follow the movement of
history by analyzing the structure of societies, the forces of production, and
the relations of production, and not by basing our interpretation on people’s
ways of thinking about themselves. Secondly, in every society there can be
distinguished the economic base or infra-structured as it has come to be
called, and the superstructure within which figures the legal and political
institutions as well as ways of thinking, ideologies and philosophies. Thirdly,
the mechanism of the historical movement is the contradiction, at certain
movements in evolution, between the forces and relations of production. The forces
of production seem to be essentially a given society’s capacity to produce, a
capacity which is a function of scientific knowledge, technological equipment
and the organization of collective behavior or labor.
Society and social classes
Society and social classes
The relations of production which are not too precisely defined seem to be
essentially distinguished by relations of property. However, relations of
production need not be identified with relations of property; or at any rate
relations of production may include in addition to property relations,
distribution of national income which is itself more or less strictly
determined by property relations.
Now it is easy to introduction the class struggle. A social class in Marx’s
terms is any aggregate of persons who perform the same function in the
organization of production. For instance, free person and slave, oppressor and
oppressed. These classes are distinguished from each other by the difference of
their perspective positions in the economy. A social class is constituted by
the function, which its members perform in the process of production.
The position which the individual occupies in the social organization of
production, indicates the class to which he or she belongs. The fundamental
determinant of class is the way in which the individual cooperates with others
in the satisfaction of his basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. Other
index such as income, consumption, occupation are so many clues of his prestige
symbols. Hence, according to Marx, the income or occupation of an individual is
not an indication of his class-position i.e., of his or her role in the
production process. The separate individual forms a class only in no so far as
others have to carry on a common battle against another class; otherwise they are
on hostile terms with each other as competitors. On the other hand, the class
in its turn achieves an independent existence.
The development process of a social class depends upon the development of
common conditions and upon the realization of common interests. Only when the
members of a potential class enter into an association for the organized
pursuit of their common aims, does a class in Marx’s sense exist. Economic
conditions had first transformed the mass of the people of the country into
workers. The determination of capital has created for this mass a common
situation and common interests. This makes it already a class as against
capital, but hot yet for itself. In this struggle this mass becomes united and
constitutes itself as a class for itself. The interests it defends become class
So, in that vision of history, revolutions are not political accidents, but the
expression of historical necessity. Revolutions perform necessary functions and
they occur when conditions for them are given. Capitalists relations of
productions were first developed in the womb of feudal society. The French
Revolution occurred when the new capitalists relations of production had
attained a certain degree of maturity.
Dialectic and social change
It is not my consciousness that determines reality. On the contrary, it is the social reality that determines their consciousness. But the dialectical conception of history affirms that the law of reality is the law of change. There is a constant transformation in inorganic nature as well as in the human world. There is no eternal principle. Human and moral conceptions change from one age the next. Natural and social change occurs in accordance with certain abstract law. Beyond a certain point, quantitative changes become qualitative. The transformations do not occur imperceptibly a little a time, but at a given moment there is a violent, revolutionary shift.
Dialectic and social change
It is not my consciousness that determines reality. On the contrary, it is the social reality that determines their consciousness. But the dialectical conception of history affirms that the law of reality is the law of change. There is a constant transformation in inorganic nature as well as in the human world. There is no eternal principle. Human and moral conceptions change from one age the next. Natural and social change occurs in accordance with certain abstract law. Beyond a certain point, quantitative changes become qualitative. The transformations do not occur imperceptibly a little a time, but at a given moment there is a violent, revolutionary shift.
As Marx wrote in his preface to Contribution to the Critique of Political
Economy, at a certain stage of their development, the material productive
forces of society come in conflict with the exiting relations of production
within which they have been work hitherto. From forms of development of the
productive forces these relations turn into their fetters. Then begins an epoch
of revolution social.
The dialectic conception of history comprehend the changes in the scope and
social structure of advanced capitalism and the new forms of the contradictions
characteristics of the latest stage of capitalism in its global framework.
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