quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2016

No fim da luz há um túnel

O breve artigo aí abaixo vai para as folhas impressas na 'terra da Rainha'. Chega primeiro por aqui.  Dizer em línguas diversas o que se passa no Brasil neste momento. Não que, com as escusas pela ironia, eu tenha expectativa em "milagres do Palácio de Saint James". Distante disso. Dois acontecimentos, pelos menos, servem de fundamento empírico ao  seu título - embora eles não estejam explicitamente. O primeiro diz respeito à audiência concedida pelo Ministro da Educação, Mendonça Filho, a Alexandre Frota, para que ele apresentasse as "suas propostas de educação" para o Brasil. Quase ao mesmo tempo, o Ministro anunciava a intenção de processar o historiador-cientista político pernambucano Michel Zaidan, por causa do artigo que ele escreveu questionando os atributos de Mendonça Filho para ocupar a  pasta da educação. Tempos estranhos estes que vivemos em nosso país! Recebe-se Alexandre Frota em gabinete para ele apresentar as "suas propostas de educação" e decide-se processar um professor que escreveu um texto a propósito da temática educacional. O segundo acontecimento que fornece fundamento empírico ao título do artigo concerne ao bárbaro caso de estupro que chocou o país. Pois então, cabe lembar, neste momento de impacto, que, na Câmara dos Deputados, um parlamentar já fez a apologia do estupro. No parlamento nacional!  Foi isso que fez o sr. Jair Bolsonaro numa discussão com a deputada Maria do Rosário. Quebra de decoro, punição ao parlamentar? Que nada!  E assim difunde-se a 'cultura do estupro' (algo em que Alexandre Frota também se notabilizou).  Se um deputado procede dessa forma e ainda há quem o chame de mito, é porque realmente chegamos a um ponto em que no fim da luz há um túnel, e entramos nele. 

Brazil:  at the end of the light there is a tunnel

by Ivonaldo Leite

Actions speak louder than words. This phrase defines very well the Brazilian political situation actually. After the right-wing opposition to president Dilma Rousseff  to deny that her impeachment was a coup, several hidden recordings show exactly the opposite of that. Yes, it was a coup, a conspiracy of Brazilian corrupt former politicians to block investigations in which they are involved.
The impeachment process is a farce. The president is not implicated in the corruption cases that are being investigated, and she is not personal beneficiary of diverted public money. The budget illegalities of which she is accused are a common practice in Brazil, and is in fact a mere pretext to carry out her deposition.
It is not possible to understand the Brazilian crisis and the farce of impeachment without taking into account some basic issues.
The first issue refers to the mistakes of the Workers' Party and Lula making political alliances without criteria with backward forces. Thus the Workers' Party denied his itself political perspective and history. These alliances were made without taking into account the possible ethical consequences. The price paid by the alliances with the former Brazilian political of establishment resulted in corruption cases in which also involve members of the Workers Party. But faced with this situation, President Dilma Rousseff has behaved rigorously, she was fully supporting the investigations carried out by the Federal Police.
The second issue is about the role played by the media. The major newspapers and television channels have acted as a political party, supporting the opponents of President Dilma Roussef. In this sense, it can be highlight, for example, the Globo television and the Veja magazine. Somehow this is not a surprise because many TV channels, radio stations and newspapers in Brazil are the property of deputies, senators and governors who use them according to their political interests.
On the other hand, the interim government of President Michel Temer has been a grotesque fraud intending to adopt a program which was not approved by the people in elections. Similarly it intends to eliminate social benefits that are fundamental pillars of incipient welfare state in Brazil. 
It is difficult to conjecture about what will happen in Brazil in the near future. But sometimes the impression we have is that the country's situation is bizarre. Something like at the end of the light there is a tunnel. So the way is to bet on the mobilization of society to enforce the light of democracy.

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