Com um certo plus, em relação ao 'enfoque meramente psi', é possível encontrar na teoria social ferramentas conceituais de significativo alcance analítico no trato de questões como caráter, personalidade e identidade. Esta última, por exemplo, tem sido referida como 'a parte socializada da individualidade', num processo que deita raízes na primeira infância, na socialização primária e estende-se, de forma permanente, pela socialização secundária. Com tal prosa, quero colocar em realce Nobert Elias, que, nos últimos tempos, como desdobramento de algumas de suas obras, tem inspirado estudos sobre o caráter. Chama a atenção, em Elias, o fato de ele operar com três estruturas fundamentais: a social, a histórica e a psíquica. Trata-se de um empreendimento epistemológico de grande monta, relativamente ao qual os "enfoques psi" de banca de revista, de sítios de autoajuda e similares não têm condições de acompanhar. E o realce em Elias é para dizer que está disponível na rede, para download, o seu The Society of Individuals, obra central na referida discussão. Disponível em língua inglesa, supre, de qualquer forma, uma necessidade daqueles que, como eu, não se satisfazem com a tradução que foi feita para o português brasileiro. Como arremate, deixo-vos, abaixo, com uma recensão da livro Nobert Elias, do Prof. Robert van Krieken.
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Nobert Elias: determinações psíquicas e comportamento humano em foco |
By Thomas Kemple, University of British Columbia
recent resurgence of interest in the work of Norbert Elias is part of the
rediscovery of a relatively neglected period of social theory, from
approximately the 1920s through the 1950s. Though some figures tend
increasingly to be forgotten, such as Parsons and Lukacs, Marcuse and the first
generation of the Frankfurt School, others, such as Bakhtin and Mauss, Bataille
and the Collège de Sociologie, are being revived. Robert van
Krieken's brief introduction to Elias' work does not explicitly consider this
broader theoretical context, but it shows very nicely how Elias' enormous body
of writings spanning almost sixty years challenges us to redraw the conceptual
and historical boundaries between "classical" and
"contemporary" theory, and between "canonical" and
"noncanonical" writers, if not to rethink the misleading labels we
use to designate complex theoretical "paradigms" (including
"process sociology" itself, which van Krieken employs despite Elias'
The case of Elias is especially interesting in this regard, particularly in
view of how the historical vicissitudes of publication and translation have
delayed and distorted his reception: his masterpiece, The Civilizing
Process, only reached wide circulation some 30 years after it was first
published in 1939, and its reception in English was hampered by being first
published in two volumes separated by four years. As van Krieken demonstrates,
a clear picture of Elias has yet to be fully recognized in part because Elias
developed a unique and challenging synthesis of his predecessors (especially
Weber and Freud), while at the same time marking out his own path by broadly
criticizing or remaining aloof from his contemporaries (interestingly, he was a
colleague of Mannheim in Frankfurt in the same building that housed the
Institute for Social Research). Likewise, his impact on successors has only
belatedly or hardly been noticed: on Giddens, who studied with him at the
University of Leicester, on Goffman, who cited him briefly though approvingly,
on Foucault, who produced an early (though unpublished) translation of The
Lonely and the Dying, and on Bourdieu, whose recent work has increasingly
taken on Elias' conceptual framework and vocabulary.
To be sure, van Krieken's book is no substitute for Stephen Mennel's more
extensive and in depth introduction to Elias. (On the back cover, Mennel
himself endorses the book as "an indispensable concise guide," while
George Ritzer characterizes it as "an excellent entrée," as if to
advance his own McDonaldization of theory). Rather, the merit of his overview
is to identify a few key principles of research that to varying degrees guided
the whole of Elias' magnificent corpus, but which were most explicitly
formulated in the collections What is Sociology? (1978), The
Society of Individuals (1991), and The Symbol Theory (1991):
namely, the interdependent, (un)intentional, relational, processual, and
positional dimensions of social life. This more theoretical argument could only
have been worked out through elaborately detailed empirical investigations into
the emergence of informal and formal techniques of discipline and
(de)civilization at the levels of psychical and institutional organization: in The
Court Society (first drafted in 1933), The Civilizing Process (first
published in 1939), and The Germans (a 1989 collection
spanning almost the whole of his career), as well as in fascinating shorter
studies of sport, music, science, death, and time. A weakness of van Krieken's
approach -- induced in part by the "Key Sociologists" series in which
it appears, and even by Elias' own disciplinary self-definition -- is that
Elias' core concept of "figurations" which embraces these principles
is given a rather narrow "sociological" cast at the expense of its
more multidimensional inspiration from and implication for a wide variety other
scientific and aesthetic fields.
Van Krieken's book succeeds in providing an avowedly sympathetic though
conscientiously critical assessment of Elias through what he calls "a
principle of generosity" which does not presume upon the unity or
consistency of the work but which tests it against Elias' own standards of
"object-adequacy" and theory formation. In part this is achieved
against a tendency in much of the growing critical literature on Elias which
treats his general hypotheses (such as "the civilizing process"
itself) as timeless conceptual formulations rather than within specific
historical and cultural contexts. In part, this critical dimension is also
opened up by presenting the biography of the work as an indispensable point of
access into the writer's sociological imagination. What emerges from this is a
paradoxical portrait of Elias: if not as a "homo clausus" who
cultivated the isolationist and lonely posture he relentlessly criticized as
our prevailing social habitus, then at least as a detached outsider in his own
field, who hardly applied the "principle of generosity" when reading
his contemporaries as he expected others to do when reading him. But this irony
too must be considered within the complex figuration that constitues the very
life of theory.
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