quinta-feira, 6 de abril de 2017

Na senda da 'racionalidade dos fins': Cive Morum

Instituto de Sociologia/Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Portugal 
Congresso Internacional Cive Morum - 10 e 11 de Abril/2017

The International Congress CIVE MORUM is an initiative of the Cive Morum – Center of Studies and Civic Intervention.
The CIVE MORUM was created with the intention of promoting the principles of respect, social responsibility and ethics in society, articulating them with the preconization of ways of life more conscious, participative and mobilizers of a greater shared social integrity. The promotion of an international congress every two years will allow the creation of a comprehensive and multifaceted dynamic of knowledge sharing and discussion of the phenomena that pontificate the reality of contemporary societies. More detailed information about can be found at  http://www.civemorum.com.pt/PT/congresso.php