Síntese do meu paper aoWorking Group on Sociology of Local-Global Relations /International Sociology Association (ISA).

The paper has as objective to discuss the concepts of globalization and glocalization taking in consideration the Brazilian perspectives about education. Globalization as a concept in social sciences has a short history. Probably, Roland Robertson was one of the early users of the term. Globalization theory examines the emergence of a global cultural system. Though globalization means many things to many people, it’s one of the master processes of our time. It means the connectivity of broad processes of technological, economic, political, cultural interrelationships. For Giddens, globalization is the reason for the revival of local cultural identities in different parts of the world. So, local would be the provider of the response to the forces that are global. This view is somewhat different of the glocalization’s thesis, because in its perspective the local itself is constituted globally. It’s a process of macro-localization and micro-globalization. Macro-localization involves expanding the boundaries locality as well as making some local ideas, practices, institutions global. The rise of world wide religious or ethnic revivalist movements can be seen as examples of macro-localization. Micro-globalization involves incorporating certain global process into the local setting. Glocalization involves blending, mixing adapting of two or more process one of which must be local. It’s the notion that removes the fear from many that globalization is like a tidal wave erasing all the differences. This in education is very important. But, in Brazilian case, the educational policy doesn’t have taken into account glocalization’s perspective. Hence, the Brazilian educational policy sometimes understands globalization like Westernization and the Ministry of Education defines some macro orientations to schools without considering the local realities.
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